We know how bookings cancel at the last minute and you need to replace that booking quickly. We also know how important it is to promote your properties, maximize revenues,  make sure your promotions work well without hurting your search engine rankings.

This is why we created Geronimo Vacation Rentals for Charity. Geronimo connects property managers to thousands of nonprofit, private label websites promoting their properties and all linking directly back to their website.  Imagine this SEO benefit not to mention the powerful promotional opportunities.  The nonprofits are continuously promoting these properties to their donors through their private label website.

Try Geronimo for free and allow this solution help fill shoulder season space or last minute cancelations. You’ll fill vacant time at your properties and generate revenue (for you and for your owners) while helping charities raise money, while you receive your full commission on every reservation.

Begin making the most of your inventory and super charge your SEO. Just click here to get started.


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