What we do…header

Founded in 2004, Minds Matter of Denver connects underprivileged metro Denver students with adult mentors, who provide assistance with academic development, SAT preparation and the college application process; including school selection, essay writing, and interview skills. At present the Minds Matter of Denver Prep Program works with 10th and 11th grade students in selecting and applying to summer college programs, where they can bolster their academic record by taking college credit courses and experience campus life. In the fall of 2006 we began our first Senior Program to assist high school seniors with the entire college application process, including school selection, essay writing, and financial aid paperwork.
Each student is grouped with 2 adult mentors who typically have complimentary interests and personalities with each other as well as the student. Mentoring groups meet once a week during the school year, for 2-3 hours at a single location, where Minds Matter volunteers can supervise a structured session for all students and mentors.
Mentors not only guide students through the application process, but also provide a deep level of commitment and encouragement. Mentors work with students for at least one full academic year and typically through the student’s high school graduation. In this time, the students often develop close bonds with their mentors and readily seek their guidance and friendship. Yet, students are not the only ones who benefit from the Minds Matter program. Our mentors also find relationship building with both the mentees and with other volunteers a satisfying and rewarding experience.

Our Mission

We are a not-for-profit organization that brings high-achieving and motivated high school students from low-income families together with dedicated mentors to achieve academic excellence and expand educational horizons.
We are a dynamic organization that constantly reassesses the needs of our students and adapts our program accordingly. As we continue to grow, we are focusing our collective energy on the following goals: 
 Short-term goals:

  • Change more lives through thoughtful growth at existing chapters and strategic national expansion.
  • Revitalize the alumni program to ensure that Minds Matter students not only enroll in college, but also successfully complete their undergraduate studies.
  • Update our fundraising strategy to include national-level fundraising that channels funds to local chapters.
  • Further develop partnerships with summer programs and colleges that share our commitment to supporting high-achieving, low-income students.

Long-term goals:

  • Increase Minds Matter’s visibility and name recognition at the national level.
  • Ensure that every chapter has access to the technology necessary to make sessions relevant and efficient.
  • Develop a premier alumni network that spans the country and provides current and former Minds matter students and volunteers with access to valuable connections and resources.
  • Ensure that every Minds Matter student receives the funding necessary to attend the college of his/her choice.

Minds Matter

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