Giving Children Hope is privileged to work with diverse individuals and communities both locally and around the world, supplying projects that address and focus on the needs of children and serve the poor.phpthumb_generated_thumbnailjpg

Giving Children Hope (GCHope) works to promote family sustainability, economic independence, and self-sufficiency so that children may grow in stable environments. GCHope also plays a role in the development and rehabilitation of under resourced clinics, hospitals, and orphanages. Our supplies mobilize organizations so that they can focus on implementation; this empowers communities to reach those caught in hopelessness and work towards self-sustainability.

GCHope is grassroots driven. While we work with many large organizations, the majority of our partners are working in a single community to enable that community to receive what it needs most. We connect indigenous community leaders in need of resources with grassroots efforts around the world to secure and deliver needed supplies.

GCHope is a green organization, taking supplies and equipment that would often end up in the land-fill and redeeming it for use in domestic free-clinics and developing countries around the world.

As a faith-based organization GCHope started to help get the Church outside of its doors into the community to BE the Church and serve those in need. Working with the diverse Christian community to enable them to be the hands and feet of Jesus is an important component to our work.

Upcoming event information – Voyage of Hope

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