Can your organization fundraise too much? The simple answer is, yes! The real question may be “How much is too much?”.

Many organizations may find that they are better known for their fundraising than for their mission. This can create challenges with both donors and volunteers. If potential volunteers perceive your organization as being all about fundraising and they are not comfortable with fundraising, they may feel that they don’t have a place in your organization.

If you find yourself planning one fundraiser after another, you may be cutting your bottom line. By planning one or two very well done fundraisers each year, many organizations are able to raise the support they need for the year and get on with the work of their mission. Choose the fundraisers you focus on carefully and make a big splash! Promote the fundraiser well and build a great event team. Your efforts will pay off with increased giving and less focus on fundraising throughout the rest of the year.

A good first step to successful fundraising is to tell your story well. What does your organization do? Who do you serve? Share a success story, share a client testimony. By presenting your mission clearly you will be able to present your need clearly and connect with the community.

Your mission will draw supporters to you. Some community members may simply love what you do and choose to support you. Others who love what you do may not give until you ask, but will be more likely to support at least one of your well done fundraisers. Keep in mind that donors have different giving pockets and not every event will appeal to every donor. However, by limiting your fundraising to minimal events, you create goodwill with donors and potential supporters which all translates into support for your organization.

As is often said in the non-profit world, “we don’t exist to fundraise, we fundraise to exist.” Keep this phrase in mind as you plan your fundraising calendar for the year and remember to let the community know about your successful projects. If they only hear about you when you are planning yet another fundraiser, they will begin to wonder where the last donation they made was used.

For help spending less time to raise more money consider a TravelPledge account. This is a great fundraising solution provided by Geronimo Solutions that allows your donors to go on vacation while your organization receives the donations.


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